Everyone supposedly has a hidden talent. Well, as I looked through more of my Piled High and Deep notebooks today I found that I'm quite the little artist, or shall I say, doodler. I have always loved to doodle on my schoolwork--and shriek--on my textbooks, and sometimes even on my desk. This love goes back to early childhood. Many times I found myself being chastised by a controlling teacher telling me to erase my doodling and to pay attention. The irony in this is that stopping me from doodling made me pay less attention. I tend to focus better on what I am hearing if I concentrate on a doodle. This is probably the same theory coming into play that makes me unable to fall alseep in silence. I need to have headphones on with talk radio going to block out outside noises. My father was an arist. I guess I inherited my doodle love from him. Although he was a much better artist than I am. I cannot draw at all, but I do love a good doodling session. Anyway, I would like to share with you some of my notebook doodle masterpieces--
Super Student

Smart Student Cap

Why didn't Bono marry me?

Nature Escape

Huh, what is the teacher saying?

Academic Overload

MAM the Creative Academic Revolutionary--it's a lonely business
Maybe I should get a job with PhD comics and forget this whole dissertation idea.
Uh...should I be honest? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm...well I really think you need to stick with writing dear friend! LOL! Cute drawings, but I really don't see much of a future in PhD comics, even though if there were, I'm sure you could 'make it'. ;)