Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Pre Christmas Eve Jitters
Anyway, I talked to my friend before and after mass and he's going to try to bring Howard something warm to wear. Howard will be mad at me for asking someone else to get him a coat but at least he will have one. I don't have any money to go buy him a coat. If I had money I would just go buy him one. This is one those times I wish I had money. And I'm really wishing I never spent my little bit of money on all that candy I made to mail to people. I could have bought Howard a coat with that money. Dang. But if my friend comes through Howard will get a Christmas coat from my friend and some Christmas candy from me. It might just end up being a good Christmas for Howard. :)
Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted according to the graces we have received and let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work. Mother Teresa
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Time Flies and minutes are fleeting & bugs bug me..
It's been over a month since my last blog. I guess the lack of verbosity says it all. Not much to say. Not much to tell. Been way too busy with all my jobs to disserate or post. The plan for now is to NOT renew one job come January. I started off with 4 jobs this semester, then went down to 3, and now realize I will never get this dissertation started if I have more than two jobs. My evening teaching job ends next week. THANK GOD! I have no idea what I was thinking when I said yes to all these jobs. All I know now is that next semester I'll have only two jobs. I'm completely burned out. Being burned out is not the way to go into starting a dissertation.
On a side note. You know what I hate--I hate those long legged centipede bugs--you know the ones with all those legs. Well, one just crawled over my bed and I jumped right out of bed. UGH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Now for the rest of the night I will be scratching thinking bugs are crawling over me. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH And jumping out of bed was not a good move for my bad back. I went to my chiro yesterday. Last weekend I had horrible food poisoning and threw out every single one of my bad vertabrae and bulged every rotten disc. OUCH OUCH OUCH and OUCH. And now using my laptop in bed is making my bad neck feel worse. So I will sign off for tonight. I'll pick this post up tomorrow. YAWN!
PS Friday 10:10 pm. Bug Update. I just squashed the nasty ugly hideous little long legged creature. Thank you God for showing him to me before I lay me down to rest. Now I can sleep peacefully and buglessly. :)
Saturday 11:15PM
I'm back. Did you miss me? :)
I have one thing to report that is dissertation related. My evening teaching job is at a local library. Recently the library needed my room for an author lecture and book signing. I got to meet Steve Luxenberg. And wouldn't you know his book falls into my dissertation category. His book's title is Annie's Ghost. Here's his website.
I also met his wife and daughter. They were so nice and helpful with ideas for my disseration. Mrs. Luxenberg gave me info on a Victims of Torture group who uses writing for healing. Advocates for Survivors of Torture and Trauma --
What else is new with me? Not much. Been super busy with my work and my students. I love teaching ESL. And I LOVE my students. My morning class runs in 8 weeks sessions. We had a party the last day of class which was cool because Zully taught us Latin dancing and Mekfira and Andenet taught us Ethiopian dancing. We have a lot of fun--maybe too much fun. :) Not sure if I'm teaching them much. But two moved on, and 4 went up to another level within the class, and most raised their pretest scores. So I guess I'm teaching them something.

I got a new Ashley Cleveland CD recently. Like Howard I need my music.