Sunday, April 25, 2010

Dissertation Hibernation

Well, I have not posted since the end of January. I can't believe how fast time has gone by. I wish I could tell you that my lack of posting was due to being buried in PhD research and writing, but it hasn't, and I can't lie. I have not been a very good dissertator. My spirit is willing, but my brain, heart and body just won't cooperate. Too many jobs and life's problems have made me want to spend what little free time I have escaping into the world of past seasons of 24 and movies on instant Netflix. I didn't start watching 24 until Season 6. A friend of mine told me how I could get all the past seasons at the library. Oh, what fun!!!! 24 is the only show I watch. So I am not even going to feel guilty. Too bad this is 24's last season. UGH.

I'm happy to report that I did read two dissertations by other PhDers. Reading them made me feel so much better about the whole dissertation. I realized it is not that big of a deal. I just need to get started. Once I get the proposal written and accepted I can then start the process. I fear the proposal more than the actual dissertation. I feel clueless as how to do the proposal. I know that once I get going I'll be ok. It's just that the getting going doesn't want to be got. Hmmmm....

What else has happened over the last few months. I had a birthday! Yep, March 29.

That is me at the Cheesecake Factory. My neighbor and good friend Susanne takes me there every year for my bday. :)

My homeless buddy Howard also had a birthday in March. I know this because one day he called me over to him. He was very excited. I said, "Are you talking to me?" He said, "Yeah, TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!" I said, "Noooooooooo, really? How old are you?" He said, "60". I said,"Get out of here, Howard. You look younger!" He smiled. And then he gave me a little hug and kiss on my cheek. That was the first time a dirty homeless guy ever hugged and kissed me. It was a sweet moment. :)

Another sweet thing happened. Jenna, one of my best friend's daughter, and I spent a whole day wandering around DC. This was so special because the last time I saw Jenna in person she was 11. Now she is 19. She is such a great girl and has always had such a pleasant personality. I could travel the world with her in happiness and contentment. I love my Jenna.

My beautful Jenna. We had such a good time. She is almost finished her first year at University of VA in Richmond. I hope she visits me more often!!!!!!! She's always been my favorite "kid"!!!!!

Something else monumental happened. I got my first bread maker. WooooHOOOOOOO!!!!! You have no idea how excited this purchase makes me. I know. I'm so easy to please. Just give me a 45 dollar bread maker and I'm happy. This is a recent purchase--two weeks ago. And look at how many recipes I found today-- I have always wanted a bread maker. My best friend has been telling me to get one for 10 years. Walmart finally had a sale. :)

Is it supposed to make that sound???

What songs are on my mind? I usually post a song. Let's see if i can go find on my favorite U2 song. Hot dang!!! I found it. Bono--ahhhhhh ....

I've seen U2 live a few times. AHHHHHHHHHHH--wonderful.
Well, that's about all I have to say tonight.
Peace out,
MAM :)