Sunday, September 20, 2009

Plans Go Funny

How does that saying go? You know, the one about plans and God. “If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.” Did you know that Woody Allen came up with this quote? I didn't. While doing a google search, I learned that he penned this quote Makes me go--hmmmmmmmmmmm. I had great plans for the past two weeks, but I didn't get as much done as I had hoped. Woody being a writer/actor/director must have given him insight into the whole plan thing. 

I also planned great things for this semester. But a voice mail from a guy I didn't know is probably going to put a crinkle in my plans. I fear plans are (once again) going astray. I was offered another teaching job. And I accepted. So we can add this new job to the three jobs I already have. Dissertation time was already hard to find.

Let's make a check list of my jobs:

  • Full-time (mostly) online writing coordinator and advisor for UMUC's Effective Writing Center.
  •  Part-time e-structor for
  •  ESL instructor for refugees and asylees 3 mornings per week.
  •  ESL instructor for Latino coummunity 2 nights per week.
It's good to make a list. Helps me remember what's what. One of these days I just know I will show up at the wrong place on the wrong day.

What? This isn't high intermediate? Oh, you are Intermediate Beginning students? Opps. Ah, OK, well class is canceled then. :)

Zoe left me some good tips in my previous blog posting. I like her ideas for approaching my massive dissertation project. Here's what she said:

One thing to consider is breaking down these plans even further. For example, for sorting your PhD computer files, do it by task or time. You could decide that for one hour each day this week you will sort the files. Make an appt with yourself to do so, just as you make an appt for everything else - gym, Mass, work, etc. Put it in whatever schedule/to-do list/calender you keep. Treat it as an appt with an allotted amount of time. Do the same with other tasks - give them timelines, deadlines, and break them down into more bite-size pieces where possible.

Since she is by trade a life coach I take her tips seriously. For those of you who like what she had to say check out her site: The Integrated Woman Zoe is full of helpful tips for the woman who is juggling life.

Anyway, I did what she said. I broke some projects up into small tasks.

  • I went through my laptop's favorites lists and catalogued all those I saved over the last few years that relate to my research.
  • I cleaned out my laptop.
  • I looked over a classmate's webpage regarding his dissertation.
  • I got my IUP VPN working so now I can connect to research sites, journals, and libraries.
  • I paid my tuition bill. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 
Even though I feel like I did not accomplish much, these little things were monumental steps in the right direction. The first step is always the hardest.

All great masters are chiefly distinguished by the power of adding a second, a third, and perhaps a fourth step in a continuous line. Many a man had taken the first step. With every additional step you enhance immensely the value of your first.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

I think I'm on my way. But it just might be a very slow ride this semester. I asked God for some work to pay the rent. He made me wait a long time for my answer, but when He answered He gave me more than I hoped for. God is funny that way. I now have 4 jobs and less time. AHHHHH.  I can't say I'm surprised. It seems to be pattern in my life. I'm glad God is funny because I laugh at Him all the time.

Forgive, O Lord, my little jokes on Thee And I'll forgive Thy great big one on me. - Robert Frost

Let's see. What else has happened since my last blog. Oh, Howard, my homeless guy finally reappeared on the corner. He saw me coming a block away and started waving. He also bowed respectfully yet dramtically to me. He has never bowed to me before. Our relationship is deepening. :) I asked him, "Howard, where have ya' been?" He said, "I had to go home. And I'll be gone again for awhile soon. A family member passed." I said, "Oh, I'm sorry. A brother or a sister?" He said, "Like a sister, My mother raised others too." I said, "Your mother was a good mother." He smiled real big and said, "Yeah, she was." Hmmmmm. Makes you wonder. I need to bring Howard some cookies this week.

I'll leave you with this quote. It makes me feel better when I let fear distract me:

Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.
Pope John XXIII

Until next blog,
MAM :)


  1. Oh I love your musings ☺ Making lists is always a good idea. If I didn't write stuff down I'd show up at the wrong place too!

  2. God bless you dear friend! Your relationship with Him sounds SOOOOOOOOOO similar to mine. We take turns having these little laughs on each other ... when He isn't teaching me more important lessons. Ha! I pray for one thing and He gives me something entirely different, or -- as you said -- long after I've forgotten the prayer, or something seemingly unrelated happens. He rarely (never?!) answers in the way I expect or hope, yet strangely things work out even better ... but only from the LONG view, sometimes the veeeeeeery long view. Still who needs roller coasters or thrillers when they have God?! He's the best, the most exciting, the most creative!

    Thanks MAM for writing in a way that sounds like you've been looking over my shoulder.

    ((hugs)) and prayers always!

  3. I think you are very organized. Know matter how Good we are at it organizing, God will always find a way in.

  4. Hmmmmmm. Interesting comment by Brother. I think he is right. I was just thinking that organization is not so much my problem after all but lack of time is. hmmmmmmmmmm.


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