Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Pre Christmas Eve Jitters

Well, it's the day before Christmas Eve and all I have on my mind is my homeless buddy, Howard. Thinking about him is making me jittery. I saw him today outside church. As I hobbled along to daily mass with my possibly broken toe I saw Howard waving at me and calling me over to him. I said, "Are you talking to me Howard?" He said, "Yeah, baby." I said, "Did you get in out of that snow we had? I hope you weren't out in it." He said, "I'm okay." Howard looked extra messy today. And he looked very cold. I said, "Howard, please try to keep yourself warm.' He said, "You comin' tomorrow?" I said, "I'm not sure. What day is tomorrow?" He said, "It's Christmas Eve." I said, "Probably not. Why? Do you want some food? I'll try to make you some cookies if I can come." He said, "No, forget all that stuff. I don't need that now. Can you get me coat with a hood? Anything with a hood? To keep my head warm. Do you have somethin' at home you can bring me?" Howard has never asked me for anything so this sort of shook me up. And it was obviously difficult for him to ask me. He must be so cold. I said, "Oh, I don't have any men's clothes. But let me figure out something." He said, "That's ok. Don't worry." I said, "Hmmm, I know, I can ask a friend inside the church. He talks to you all the time." Howard protested. He was not happy about me asking someone else. I said, "Look Howard, you know him. He's really nice to you. He's cool. I bet he can get you a coat or something." Howard said, "No, I don't want to bother no one. And I don't want him to know it's me asking. Don't tell him what I say to you." I said, "Howard, if he gives you a coat just take it. Don't worry. I have to find you a coat" Howard then went on to tell me that all the other ladies don't him like I do. LOL Poor Howard. He said, "They yell at me all the time. They all think I'm the man who breaks into their cars, but I'm not. I try to explain to them that I don't bother no one.It's that other guy that comes around." I said, "I know it's the other guy. You would never do that. I don't like that other guy." Howard smiled at me.

Anyway, I talked to my friend before and after mass and he's going to try to bring Howard something warm to wear. Howard will be mad at me for asking someone else to get him a coat but at least he will have one. I don't have any money to go buy him a coat. If I had money I would just go buy him one. This is one those times I wish I had money. And I'm really wishing I never spent my little bit of money on all that candy I made to mail to people. I could have bought Howard a coat with that money. Dang. But if my friend comes through Howard will get a Christmas coat from my friend and some Christmas candy from me. It might just end up being a good Christmas for Howard. :)

Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted according to the graces we have received and let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work. Mother Teresa


  1. I wanted to say that if that coat doesn't come through, let us know. Brian may one to give, or we can buy one for him.
    Happy Christmas eve!

  2. Touching post Mary Alice. The cold is biting here in Illinois right now. I can hardly stand being outside with a coat on ... I can't imagine enduring it without a coat. Said a prayer for Howard! Don't waste time in regrets on the candy, however. God has a purpose for everything that happens.

    Hope yours was a Merry Christmas!

  3. Thanks Cathy, You said "Illinois". I thought you lived in Oklahoma. :)


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