Sunday, January 3, 2010

Hoods, Chill Factors, and Corners

As I walked to Mass this morning in the bitter cold and heavy winds, I felt my ears stinging from the cold. I was so stupid not to have worn a hat. I actually worried about getting frost bitten. Oh, how cold it was. I couldn't help but wonder about my homeless buddy. Did Howard find a coat? I haven't seen Howard since before Christmas when he asked me to help him get a coat, specifically one with a hood to keep his ears warm. Ever since Christmas I have been worried about Howard. Did the friend in church I asked to help Howard get him a coat? Things just kept happening to me that prevented me from getting over to that part of town. So today I was hoping to see Howard, but I was also worried that I would find him standing on the corner freezing and shivering. Howard's bigness sure can keep him steady in the heavy winds but it won't help him stay warm. As I crossed the street and turned the corner I was on the lookout for Howard when lo and behold I spotted a lone figure standing in just the right spot. He didn't look like my usual Howard does, but I thought it might be him. Oh! This figure was a beautiful sight. One big round puffy glow of firey redness. There was my Howard all bundled up in a brand new very puffy bubble-like winter parka with a hood! OH HAPPY DAY!!!!!

As usual, Howard started waving to me. I practically skipped on over to him with a big smile on my face, "Howard, you got a coat!" He just smiled and said, "Yeah." I said, "Well, where did you get it? Who gave it to you?" He didn't go into much detail. Howard is a man of few words. All he said was "18 dollars down the street." I don't know who got him the coat but I was praying all week that he would get a coat. And he sure got one. You can't miss him coming in that fire-engine red snow parka. I told Howard I was happy he got a coat and that I was worried all week about him. He just smiled. :)

I guess since this is supposed to be a blog about my dissertation I should say something 'disserly'. Someone recommended a book that is up my dissertation topic alley. It's called Couldn't Keep it to Myself Wally Lamb and the Women of York Correctional Institute. Here's link to info on it-- I got it out of the library. It looks very interesting. Now if I can just get myself motivated to read again. I was so busy with all my jobs this past semester I had no time to read. And I am so burnt out that I need a miracle to get my reading brain back in gear. UGH UGH.

Anyhooooooooooooooooo---that's about all I have to say tonight. I can go to sleep feeling less worried about Howard. All is well in my soul and on Howard's corner today. My song choices tonight are in honor of my Howard.

Oh Happy Day

It Is Well With My soul/The River's Gonna Keep on Rolling On.

1 comment:

  1. Howard in his new, red parka. That is one, fine image of hope for this new year!--Laurie


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